Learning from History A very important lesson that history has taught professionally trained protectors protecting public figures in very open public spaces is that, even with enough budget, manpower and technology at your disposal; this type of protection isn’t as easy in practice as it’s theorised in textbooks. Three key reasons I’ll share with you why protecting public figures in public spaces is so challenging stems from the following: - [ ] The needs of these public figures to be close to the public that they see as constituents or fan base - [ ] The unlimited number of unknown characters, possibilities and opportunities that very skilled to unskilled adversaries can take advantage of. - [ ] Crowd dynamics which could be a blend of a crowd that’s a mix of hard core political supporters and fans of celebrities. From personal experience operating extensively in these environments, two important recommendation I’d share that has worked in formulating a practical protection plan that is capable of keeping VIPs safe in very crowded public spaces as you’ll see in the exclusive images are: - [ ] First understanding types of attacks possible in any given location and factoring this knowledge into the second recommendation - [ ] Target hardening, which is designed to take away attack possibilities that ends up discouraging certain types of attacks particularly the Shinzo Abe attack type where a lone attacker only wishes to kill a single target. There are other recommendations but as always we must remember we are in forums that may have unknowns that may not be in our best interest to share TMI You all be safe out there #protectivenomad #iykyk
Posted by Ben Alozie at 2022-07-15 08:56:12 UTC