Of course, beginning late last night, people start hitting me asking me for my thoughts on the recent AOP (Attack on Principal). While everyone will focus on the contact (and aftermath), what I’d like you to think about, is how the layout of the environment affects both an attack, and the response. Understanding the venue and stage will show you that the Hollywood Bowl is an amphitheater, with theater seating almost right up to the stage. This creates a degree of intimacy and rapport with the crowd (ideal for comedians), but makes it unlike a traditional arena or stadium show, because you don’t have the same degree of white space, stage to audience pushback, or barricades. So in the event of an attempted AOP with a motivated attacker, it becomes a race of, who-can-get-to-who, first.
Posted by Elijah Shaw at 2022-05-04 16:04:21 UTC